Enrollment fees: 60 USD (only once, includes all material and 3 weekly cultural activities per week)


General Spanish lessons

GROUP LESSONS: price/week 1 week 2-5 weeks 6 week and more Details Comments - description
Standard course 239 USD 229 USD 219 USD - 20 Spanish lessons/week
Price for the package 4 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks Details Description
DELE exam 1440 USD 1920 USD 2240 USD 20 Spanish lessons/week

3-4 students per group (max. 4)

From 2:00pm to 05:40pm | Are you ready for the exam? We help you to develop the four skills required by the Instituto Cervantes. We offer courses for all levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. Is there a better way to prepare yourself than in an immersion context? |

Private lessons

PRIVATE LESSONS price/week* Less than 10 lessons/week 10 Lessons/week 15 Lessons/week 20 Lessons/week 30 Lessons/week Details Description
Private 1:1 30 USD/Lesson 280 USD 390 USD 490 USD 610 USD - 10, 20 or 30 Spanish lessons / week

*Important: private lessons have to be taken within the week and can not be postponed.

ONLINE LESSONS/WEEK* Less that 4 lessons/week 4 lessons/week 6 lessons/week 8 lessons/week 10 lessons/week 15 lessons/week
Private Online lessons 25 USD/ lesson 80 USD 108 USD 128 USD 140 USD 195 USD

*Important: online lessons have to be taken within the week and can not be postponed.

Tailored Spanish courses

SPECIFIC COURSES price/week 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks and + Details Description
Spanish and Colombian Lifestyle 389 USD 389 USD N/A N/A 9am - 12:40pm : course at the school
Local experiences in the afternoons.
389 USD/ week

This program is available for a period of 1 or 2 weeks. | The essential purpose of this programme is to gain insight into the culture. Every afternoon we create opportunities for exchange with locals with a variety of profiles. Our intention is for you to feel the “real life” of Colombia. We leave the classroom and go to the streets, the squares, the markets. We visit vulnerable communities and put social work at their service. | | Spanish for specific purpose | On demand | On demand | On demand | On demand | Flexible schedules according to need. Price on demand. | | | Spanish for families | On demand | On demand | On demand | On demand | Flexible schedules according to need. Price on demand. | Throughout our trajectory, we have received a large number of families with small children in our facilities. For them we have a special programme that allows them to have fun and learn with a variety of didactic and pedagogical games. The children learn intuitively and effortlessly, so you can see great progress in their level of understanding and expression of the language. While young children study with specialised teachers in their programme, parents can join the adult programmes and courses. From a certain age, a joint family programme can be created for those who wish to stay together in the classroom. | | Bildungsurlaub program

https://www.bildungsurlaub-sprachkurs.de/sprachschule/centro-catalina-spanish-school-kolumbien-san-diego/ | 409 USD | 409 USD | N/A | N/A | 30 Spanish lessons/week 5-6 students per group (max. 8) From 9:00am to 12:40pm From 2:00pm until 03:40pm